The Caney is part of the great Taino revival movement

Contemporary Caney Circle BEIKES (spiritual leaders) are at the forefront of the movement. (click here to meet the beikes)

beikes_and_chiefsCaney Beike Bo Miguel Sobaoko Koromo confers with other beikes of the Caney Spiritual network, Nana Maguey, Konuk, and Sun’s Rock, and with leaders and Cacikes of the various Taino yukayekes and tribal organizations in 2001.

Contemporary people of Taino descent are returning to the roots of their ethnic heritage. The Caney Indian Spiritual Circle is at the forefront of this movement.

As early as 1991 a number of leaders of the newly formed Taino tribal organizations in New York and New Jersey visited Beike Bo Miguel Sobaoko and the members of the Caney in Pittsburgh to participate in a landmark joint areito ceremony. These leaders included Grandmother Nanike who is now the leader of the Caney Quinto Mundo teaching lodge in the home island of Boriken.

It also included Caney Circle beike Konuk who now does work in Florida. A few years later Beike Bo Miguel travelled to Boriken itself and held another landmark ceremony in the oval circle court of Caguana Taino Ceremonial Center near Utuado in cooperation with Caney beikes living in that region including again, Grandmother Naniki of Caney Quinto Mundo. In 1994 he travelled to his home region of Oriente, Cuba and conducted ceremony in both El Caney and El Cobre regions. These two sites are of great geographical importance to the Taino populations of Cuba. There he re-established ties with relatives and friends in the Taino communities around his birth city of Santiago.

In the year 2001 Beike Nana Maguey(now known as Maweiaru), the leader of New York’s Caney (THE KU-KAREY CIRCLE) organized a conference of reconciliation among the various Taino tribal communities and organizations in the New York, New Jersey area. Beike Bo Miguel, Beike Konuk, and Beike Sun’s Rock of the Philadelphia and western New Jersey area all participated, as well as leaders and cacikes of the various yukayekes (tribal communities).

In March of 2005, Beike Bo Sobaoko Koromo led a special ceremony to honor the Taino and pre-Taino artifacts that formed part of a historic exhibit at the gallery of the taller Puertorrique~o in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A group of members of the Philadelphia Caney Circle were present at the time to join in the ceremony. Also present was the chief of the JATIBONICU TAINO TRIBE, Cacike Pedro Guanikeyu Torres.


Beike Sobaoko Koromo with Cacike Guanikeyu

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Taino Nation Cacike Cibanakan performed a tribal dance at the event in 2005

Later that year in April beike Sobaoko Koromo along with his wife Leni Mais Guariche and Roberto Mucaro Borrero director of the United Confederation of Taino Peoples participated in a ceremony sponsored by the chief of TAINO NATION, Cacike Rene Cibanakan Marcano and celebrating the closing day of the exhibit. The ceremony was led by newly appointed official beike of the NACION, Caney beike Marie Maweiaru Crooke, founder of Ku Karey Circle, Caney of New York. Beike Bo Miguel Sobaoko Koromo was honored at that event by beike Marie and Cacike Cibanakan by being asked to lead those assembled in two of our Caney Circle songs during beike Maweiaru’s ceremony. The Cacike performed a tribal dance to the rhythm of the chant to Ata Bey. Taino Nation Cacike Cibanakan performed a tribal dance at the event in 2005

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Beike Sobaoko Koromo with his wife Leni and with beike Marie Maweiaru Crooke and The Cacike of Nacion Taina, the Guama Rene Cibanakan Marcano at the closing ceremony of the Taino exhibit of Taller Puertorrique~o in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in April 2005.

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Beike Sobaoko Koromo with Roberto Mucaro Borrero director of the United Confederation of Taino People at the closing ceremony of the Taino exhibit at Taller Puertorriqueño in Philadelphia, April 2005.