The Beikes of the Caney
The Caney beike is the ceremonial leader of the Caney community.
The beike has the responsibility of learning and becoming an expert in the wisdom of our spirituality, and to become a wise leader of our ceremonial traditions.
Below, from left to right standing behind Cuban Taino Beike Bo Miguel Sobaoko Koromo of Pittsburgh: Marie Maweyaru, Boricua Taino founder and lead beike of the Ku-Karey Spiritual Circle, Beike Siba Boinael (Sun’s Rock), Boricua Taino beike in the western New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania area including Philadelphia working in cooperation with Beike Eagle Skyfire (of Inca ancestry, not pictured here) formerly Shadow Wolf;Â Beike Edgar Konuk, Boricua Taino beike of the Caney Circle working in Florida.
The Caney Circle leaders working in the greater New York city metropolitan area and Eastern Upstate New York area are: Boricua Beike Domingo Turey Hernandez (201) 985-0213 in Jersey City, NJ. pictured below with Cuban Beike Miguel Sobaoko Koromo.
Beike Maria Manati Robles, (845)566-3527 (not pictured), and Beike Ferdinand Uaian Bruno (not pictured), the original editor of the Caney Circle’s official chronicles and documents of belief and tradition usually known as “THE BOOK OF SONGS”.
Pictured to the left, Grandmother Naniki, Boricua Caney spiritual leader, founder of the CANEY QUINTO MUNDO Spiritual Center on the island of Boriken, ativist for the religious rights of Tainos in the homeland.
Shown to the right is Caney Beike Guaba Guarikoku also know as Grandmother Spider (of European ancestry), author, healer, herbalist and follower of the teachings of the Grandmother Twyla’s Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge. Beike Guaba is the leader of the Caney of North Western New York State on the Seneca reservation.
The traditional regalia and insignias of he beike help to identify this person as leader and a responsible person and keeps him or her focused in the role and purpose of the ceremonial mission.